New Computer Guarantee
When someone you know creates a bigger
problem, all you'll get is an "I'm really sorry 'bout
that." - Your Own Personal Computer Guy will give
you a written warranty on all services and will
guarantee all work performed
* All hardware installed will carry a 1-yr warranty and will also be refunded if returned to and removed
by YOPCGUY. Performance guarantee is based on factory specifications of your computer when it
was purchased new. Any software and/or hardware changes made to your computer (including
viruses or adware) that degrade the performance AFTER YOPCGUY has completed a repair will be
considered a new occurance. This 1-yr guarantee will start over if a new repair is made by YOPCGUY
Most new computers come
packaged with what we in the
IT profession call "junkware".
It's all of the demo version
software they want you to buy.
They also include "monitoring"
software you don't even need.
These can slow down a new
computer by as much as 40%!
Most of my time spent with a
brand new computer is
removing all the "junk" that
came with it! Also, a new
computer means trying to
figure out how to get your old
files on your new computer
and hoping your old programs
will work. And don't forget
about learning to use that new
Operating System! Getting a
new computer is not as easy as
most people think, but I can
help with ALL of these issues if
you make that new purchase.